Idea Sharing (v)

The act of distributing structured content on a mix of unrelated topics.

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Jul 1, 2023

Membership Inference Attack: Primer & Case Study

Machine learning models depend on large troves of data to develop and improve their inference / prediction capabilities. These models generalize their abilities, but inevitably some of their training data is encoded or memorized within their trained parameters. This post explores a method of quantifying model memorization, factors that make models more prone to memorization, and provides some mitigations against memorization.

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About: Creator



I am David, currently living in California. Here is a pseudonymized picture of me next to my favorite animal: an alpaca.

I enjoy spending my time learning new things, being outdoors, and spending time with my family. Discovering activities that allow for all three at the same time is the sweet spot, if you got leads on this let me know. I’m excited to write about stuff I find interesting, & I hope others find neat too. Want more about me? I’ll keep it short:


  • Traveling and trying new foods
  • Meeting people’s pets :dog: :cat:… esp. those with human names
  • Music, all kinds


  • lists without at least one item on them

About: Site


Welcome my idea sharing site.

Last year, infrared radiation was recorded from the deepest pocket we’ve reached of of our known universe. It took in the order of 1010 years for this information to reach your computer screen, I commit to posting at least more often than it has taken for this deep space to reach you.


This site uses Google Analytics. These data are used to measure content engagement. This site does not:

  • have a subscribe feature
  • have comments or other content submission forms
  • include referrer in share links

This site is also open source, so you can independently verify this. : ]
